
materials- watercolor, graphite, ink

process- same as the usual

ideas- defending one friend to another as selflessness

 materials: watercolor, acrylic, ink, graphite

process- sketch, posing, sketch ii, underpainting, shadows, highlights, pen

ideas: selflessness in helping others physically and cheering them up?


  1. Lovely. I look forward to the first one when it's finished.

    Be sure to create at least one or two progress piece during this series that shows process, experimentation, and revision.
    Also look at: https://campbellsartclass.weebly.com/lesson-2-ap-process-photos-how-to.html This is a requirement for the portfolio. Show lots of shots that didn't make the final. X out with a red pen and reasons why. Lots of writing ON the progress piece. Like this:https://hyperallergic.com/256109/see-the-contact-sheets-from-13-legendary-photo-shoots/. Even though this is a photo shoot it applies to unused art ideas too. This can be done on an app as well.
    For example, a piece you didn't use. Maybe a red x on it and explanation of why you revised (not time, of course) Art terms telling why this one was better or that one didn't make the cut.

    You have posted these references so thats good but we need to see your conceptual thinking, how you got here. You won't have much space to write about it, it is conveyed visually. This is the difference in a 4 or 5.

    I look forward to seeing more of your idea of adding yourself into the story. That's brilliant :)


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